Fitness Health

How Do Pain Management Clinics Work?

While people search around for pain doctors Churchville PA, they might often be a little confused as to how these medical facilities work. In order to clear up any potential confusion for our clients here at Performance Pain, it is important to understand what pain management clinics do. Below, we have prepared many points for you to reference on this topic before you book an appointment at a pain clinic.

They Are Not Hospitals or ICUs!

The first thing that you should understand about chronic pain clinics is that these are not your typical medical facility. Hospitals and ICUs specialize more in emergency care than pain management clinics do. In addition, this is where you will be able to get quick care for trauma and accidents. As you are healing from something like this, you might then need to see a pain management clinic.

Focus on Chronic Pain Conditions

Pain management clinics specialize in helping patients recover from chronic pain conditions. These sorts of conditions are defined as pain persisting for longer than 12 weeks. Since our bodies are naturally great at fixing themselves and healing on their own, pain that lasts for a long period often implies that a professional touch is required to heal. Many chronic pain conditions will persist for a lifetime if not treated professionally.

Have Professionals of Many Niches in Medicine

A great pain clinic will have specialists in many different types of medicine at their disposal. This includes physical therapists, nurses, doctors, nutritionists, and even psychologists. This diverse set of specializations help create an atmosphere where a team of medical professionals can help handle just about any form of chronic pain naturally at a pain management clinic.

Focuses on the Whole Person Rather than the Condition

In many cases, there is a string of bad habits or poor lifestyle choices that can be attributed to the chronic pain condition that you have. When this happens, the pain doctor switches their focus to helping the patient understand what they might have been doing to contribute to making the problem develop. Often, this can be poor diet habits, drug abuse, or even something small like your posture!

Help You to Heal Naturally on Your Own

Any of the best pain doctors in Churchville PA will understand that part of their job is educating their clients on why they have the condition they have in the first place. After all, the goal is to heal the patient naturally and then help you to have the tools you need to continue with your treatment at home. A good pain doctor understands that the patient also needs to learn how to treat themselves.

Think You Need Help with Chronic Pain?

If you have had lingering pain for a while that won’t seem to go away, then you should visit one of the pain doctors in Churchville PA to start taking steps for getting it under control. Performance Pain is a popular clinic in the area due to its high-quality service, natural remedies, and putting surgery as a last resort. Only 1-2% of Performance Pain clients end up needing surgery!